Here’s my (very biased) takeaways from Google I/O 2022’s “What’s new in Android” talk:
- Google really want to push “large screen” layouts. Based on this talk and the keynote, they think more apps need to do a better job of supporting Tablet/Desktop screens.
- There are some disruptive changes in the coming Android versions. Firstly, notifications will need runtime permission starting in Android 13. Secondly, the system back button will need to be handled with a new callback starting in Android 14 (
- There will be another “state of Fragments” talk at this year’s I/O. It does feel like a lot of effort is going into improving Fragments, and I’ll definitely find it useful to get a summary of the bits and pieces we should (or should not) be using.
- Play Services is getting a scanner framework which will allow apps to scan QR/bar codes without needing the camera permission.
- No mention of testing tools 👎.