Thoughts on Compose

Fashionably late

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I’ve been working on Android apps professionally since 2013, and with that I’ve experienced the windy road of different trends in Android app development: the classic “multi Activity” structure, CursorLoaders, Fragments, the switch in focus to Kotlin, AndroidX introducing lifecycle aware reactivity and a formalization of MVVM with LiveData and ViewModel, and now Compose.

Since Compose was announced in 2019, I’ve maintained a “healthy” (I’d argue) skepticism - we all know how willing to kill its darlings Google can be, and I’d seen the pain caused by Angular 1 to 2 rewrites. I was, and I still am working on a very mature and very large app, so any migration would need to wait until we saw Compose mature anyway.

This January, I took some time to play around with some toy apps for myself and decided to finally give it a go. What follows is what made me happy, and what made me sad.
